Saturday, February 6, 2010

2 weeks could be 2 years

In the past two weeks since my departure from the world of litigation I have visited with friends, done about 20 loads of laundry, hosted a house guest, and cooked my husband 5 batches of chocolate chip cookies. I am officially domesticated and loving it. After attending an Inns of Court meeting two nights ago, it occurred to me how quickly I forgot about the ball and chain of my old firm and how amazingly fast my brain turned off the lawyer mode. It was like a reunion with my professional life. A little nervous that I wouldn't fit in anymore, anxious to see what had changed, and reminiscent of my past career. Even that sounds like I stopped practicing years ago, when really it was only two bloody weeks! The past two weeks have been lovely, really. Sure, there have been some moments of freak out when I wonder if I will ever work again and feel utterly useless, but mostly I wake up relieved each morning without the impending sense of doom that used to foreshadow my morning coffee with Matt Lauer. Now my morning coffee is two cups and I share it with Kathy Lee and Hoda because I sleep past the real news. So in keeping with my new found light-heartedness and refreshed sense of hope I will no longer write griping, wining, or bitchy posts...or at least try to.

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